(AISGS) is a nonprofit association founded to support independent nonprofit primary and secondary schools that serve gifted learners.
AISGS schools serve gifted learners exclusively or significantly; are independent in their governance, management, and finances; are supported by tuition and charitable contributions; and accountable to their governing bodies, communities, and recognized accrediting bodies.
AISGS School Demographics

AISGS Schools

AISGS schools strive to share leadership and management guidance and best practices, professional development opportunities, and data to build and enhance thriving schools and communities. We value life-long learning and collaboration; diversity and inclusion; and accountability, aspiration, and ethical practices for our schools, boards, and communities.
Find out more by joining our mailing list below.

AISGS Representative Activities
Hosting 7th semi-annual parent education zoom Spring 2024
Past Topics:
• Parenting Tips and Tricks
• Avoiding Stress and Overscheduling
• Navigating Difficult Conversations
• Supporting Highly and Profoundly Gifted Students
• Supporting 2E Children
Hosted 4th Heads affinity group meeting in Winter 2023
Launched Schools survey Winter/Spring 2024
Innovative Learning Conference Fall 2023 (launched in 2007 as the Gifted Learning Conference) hosted 500+ participants from 60+ different private and public schools and districts from California, the United States, and International
Launching additional school leader affinity group meetings Fall 2024
AISGS Founding
School Heads from The Nueva School, Open Window School, Speyer School, and Grayson School met at NAIS Philadelphia and NAGC New Mexico in 2019 to catalyze a new collaboration between their schools and other independent schools serving gifted students.